What is Upcycling?

According to the dictionary, to upcycle means to reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.”the opportunity to upcycle trash, or turn it into new products.” In this case it can be clothing, furniture etc…The opposite is downcycling which is to take the useful parts of something and recycle or discard the not so reusable parts of the thing.

All the above are ways that you can ensure sustainability in your lifestyle starting from home environment, to office and public spaces. As a designer, I upcycle clothing from old to new gving them new value and style.


Now that you what upcycling is, I challenge you during this quarantine time to look around your house and find something that you can upcycle. It can be anything, and please share below. Lets make our envrironment great again by changing how we live and how we consume.

Stay woke, Stay cautious, stay environmental cautious and have a conscience for future generations’ resources.

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