Collection Inspiration

2020 was a year of change. A year that for once, humanity was pushed into a place to question their existence, to breathe, to enjoy family time and to finally feel what being human really is etc. Humanity got to see themselves as a collective for once and was brought together on the lines of despair and a foggy future. As the days went by and the lock downs proceeded, we started to ask questions regarding our demise. With pending solutions marred with hear say and fear, many were forced to do research and find out what really needs to be done. As for me, I was going through something profound. After visiting home – Uganda and coming back to Switzerland to a lock down, I was forced to go with in. Of course going with in requires that you ask questions, and these questions require answers. This lead me to a quest to finding the truth.

What is the truth

To be honest, I didn’t know that my journey would be this emotional and tedious. Ok really what is the truth? Is is what was told to do? forget about the dictionary definition. What really is the truth. Asking myself this question led me to many other rabbit holes of self discovery through truth. So again, is the truth something something that you discover? Is it universal? Is it written? Is it definite? What is the the truth? To answer this question, you need to define what is YOUR truth. Because, after-all we are who we are and each one of us lives their life through their own eyes and experiences, and that is THEIR truth.

My truth

There are bits and pieces of the truth. What I discovered is that through your life, nature and the universe will show you signs and symbols of what you need to be doing or which direction you need to take. These can come in form of intuition, people, moments and so on. Forget about about the religious aspect of the truth. Is the truth something that we see or hear or touch, or can the truth bear intangible elements that only only can be felt such as intuition, faith, belief and so on. With that, I realised that the truth will be given to us in bits and pieces, just like pieces of a puzzle, that we have to put together ourselves on our life journey. This prompted me to use this technique in my artwork to create an illusion of pieces of a puzzle that look beautiful but not put together, that the beauty lies in the journey to piece them together and that is a journey of a lifetime, only if we choose to find our truth.

Artwork depicting pieces of the truth

Using this as the inspiration, I decided to use the appliqué technique to use left over fabrics to express the truth in those pieces. I used the third eye because I find that those pieces of the puzzle can only be put together when a person goes with in, hence the third eye that we see when our eyes are closed.

Is the truth universal or definite?

This is another question that I asked myself during my self discovery journey. Does everyone’s truth have to be the same, is the truth what the books told us or what our teachers told us that the scientists discovered, or the history books wrote. The question is that if there are so many sources of truth, are there unquestionable universal truths and if so, who defined them, is it the natural law or man made law of the the order of the truth. After learning this, I discovered that the truth is like an onion, every layer is fresh and new and goes on and on. That means in my opinion, there is no definite truth, there are universal truths that are defined by the laws of of nature, but the inner truth of your actual essence can only be found in layers and phases. To express this, I used fabric manipulation again inform of leftover materials gathered together to express the illusion of a lotus flower that keeps opening and opening.

The artwork expressing phases of the truth in form of a Lotus flower.

My truth

My journey to finding the truth is not over, it is just the beginning, I do believe that somehow, we are all here to find a certain truth, experience that truth and tell that truth. I found out that many things that were taught to us as bad just because of myths and lies surrounding them, we were made to believe were horrible for us. I found out that the truth is what you feel sits right with your spirit. Most times, we can feel when something does not fit into our personality or faith and that is not the truth. You have to question everything if you want to experience it through your own eyes which is your truth. The journey to self discovery requires you finding your truth.

An expression of my truth

Through the third eye which actually signifies wisdom and self mastery which is turn our truth. The Ankh symbol from ancient Egypt to me express the true femininity that can only be found through knowledge of self and only after finding that can we be free in our divine feminine and masculine. This will be seen in the Ankh symbols embroidered on some of the clothes and also a few pieces of left over fabric shaped and sewn on to the garments.

In conclusion, through making of this collection, I realised that the truth is actually the journey of life that we discover everyday, the truth can change that it is not definite and that the truth will only find you if you are trying to find it. The food for though is that what is your truth? I encourage you to please find your truth, and if you found this inspiration interesting, please comment down below.

The Wahrheit collection

Please see link attached to the full collection in video

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